Thursday, August 27, 2009

ZimiñZiro: Tajang School#links

ZimiñZiro: Tajang School#links

Hi! Kanno,
Again, a marvellous job that you have done. Shall we repay with equal terms for the blessings that we all have got from Tajang School? Every persons who got his or her primary education from this school should teach atleast one hour to our young students whenever gets a chance to go to village. Such kind of repayment cannot be quantified in monetary terms.

During my last visit to village, I devoted three hours (1.1/2 hr for class x and 1 .1/2 hr for class ix) on teaching to young students. It was not a subject matter special teaching rather my topic was "successful citizen vs. meaningful citizen" and inspirational talk. It was my most satisfactory and happiest moment in life. And if any one them could grasp 0.0001% of my talk, again it would be unfathomable contribution of my repayment to the society as a whole and in particular Tajang school.

Thanks a lot for refreshing my memory.


Bangalore, Kar.


  1. Hi! Welcome to the world of blogosphere. I am sure with your calibre, you will have something original to share with rest of the world. Good Luck and happy blogging

  2. Tago, Good to see you in the blogosphere. Welcome from me too. It's a good outlet, I assure you, to some passing thoughts at least.
    Thank you for your comments on my post. Your idea of 'giving back' to the school is an ingenious one. I will talk to more people on this.

  3. Taking out time from sabbatical to give back to society was a good thought and hope atleast 0.0001% of the young minds were inspired by your inspirational talk and your effort didn't went in vain.

    And welcome to the world of blogosphere from me too. Looking forward to more posts from you.

  4. Thanks for welcoming. Let's think a little towards our society. Can we chalk out few topics over which we can discuss something. Let us attack topic after topic right from small social issues to political scenerio of our society. Who knows, something unsually important and useful output may come which might bring some changes in our society. I'm sure all of you or any one of you will start a little topic on which all of us can opine something.
