Thursday, August 27, 2009

ZimiñZiro: Tajang School#links

ZimiñZiro: Tajang School#links

Hi! Kanno,
Again, a marvellous job that you have done. Shall we repay with equal terms for the blessings that we all have got from Tajang School? Every persons who got his or her primary education from this school should teach atleast one hour to our young students whenever gets a chance to go to village. Such kind of repayment cannot be quantified in monetary terms.

During my last visit to village, I devoted three hours (1.1/2 hr for class x and 1 .1/2 hr for class ix) on teaching to young students. It was not a subject matter special teaching rather my topic was "successful citizen vs. meaningful citizen" and inspirational talk. It was my most satisfactory and happiest moment in life. And if any one them could grasp 0.0001% of my talk, again it would be unfathomable contribution of my repayment to the society as a whole and in particular Tajang school.

Thanks a lot for refreshing my memory.


Bangalore, Kar.

ZimiñZiro: Bamboo and the Apatanis#links

ZimiñZiro: Bamboo and the Apatanis#links

Wonderful 'Dusu Katu'. For the first time I am hearing this Dusu Katu. Photo is mind boggling and speechless. Your hand and camera have 'Ube Kaming' touch. Hats off to you.


Monday, August 24, 2009

ZimiñZiro: Rai

ZimiñZiro: Rai

Appreciate your calibre in photography and imagination.

These days the youths of Apatani are unable to communicate with their own parents in our own language. Who is responsible for this embarassing situation? Whom to blame Parents or the youth themselves? Is speaking in national and international languages a sure shot sign progress of our community in education? Is it not like leaving an oasis dry after quenching ourselves and proceeding to a highly polluted pond in search of water for our future generation? Please analyse critically and offer your comments.

Millo Tago,
